STAGE-STE Workshop "Latest joint efforts between Research and Industry for strengthening European CSP leadership"
on the 23rd January 2018, at the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) in Brussels. |
Advanced Energy Materials Congress
from the 25th to the 28th of March 2018, in Stockholm, Sweden. |
EFC-Workshop 2018: High Temperature Corrosion under Complex Conditions, Deposits and Salts: Towards Greener Energy
26-28 September 2018 at DECHEMA-Haus, Frankfurt, Germany. |
International Summit on Conventional and Sustainable Energies
30-31 March 2018 in Orlando, Florida, USA. |
2nd NESTER School on Concentrated Solar Technologies (CST)
6-16 November 2017 in Nicosia,Cyprus. |
The 11th International Concentrated Solar Thermal Power Summit. CSP Seville 2017
Dates: 21-22 November, 2017 |
SolarPACES 2017 in Santiago, Chile
Dates: 26-29 September, 2017
ERNC 2017 - fair and conference on renewable energies in Santiago, Chile
Dates: 24-26 October, 2017
One Week Introductory Course Concentrating Solar Thermal Technologies
Dates: 5 days, 16 -20 October
Location: University of Seville
Registration deadline: 15 September 2017
Workshop on "Raising the Lifetime of Functional Materials for Concentrated Solar Power Technology" A 1-day workshop on Wednesday 17th of May 2017 in Madrid, Spain
SOLARIS Conference 2017
Uxbridge (United Kingdom), from July 27th to 28th 2017
SFERA 2 training course on Optical and Thermal Component Testing of Parabolic Trough and System Efficiency
Tabernas (Spain), from 24th to 28th April 2017
School on Concentrated Solar Thermal Energy in Nicosia (Cyprus), from 7th to 17th November 2016
This School, the first of a series of annual Schools on Concentrated Solar Thermal (CST) technologies, is directed to graduate students (Masters and Doctoral) and to early career professionals. The school, offers a fast paced comprehensive overview of the field to be followed by intermediate and advanced lectures on selected topics of keen interest to the field, delivered by world experts. |
Workshop: Thermal Storage for Solar Thermal Concentrating Plants in Madrid, 14 September 2016
Workshop Programme
11th ISES EuroSun Conference in Palma de Mallorca, 11-14 October 2016 |
4th Southern African Solar Energy Conference in Stellenbosch, 31 Oct - 2 Nov 2016 |
1st EERA Annual Conference in Birmingham, 24-25 November 2016 |
SolarPACES 2016 Conference in Abu Dhabi, 11–14 October 2016 |
ICRI 2016 in Cape Town, 3-5 October 2016
First Notice! SFERA 2 training course on central receivers systems
After the success of the SFERA 2 training courses in Spain (PSA) and Italy (ENEA) about direct steam generation and molten salts in parabolic trough, we are pleased to present training on central receivers with focus on the operation of heliostat fields. This year’s course takes place at CNRS – PROMES test facilities in Odeillo, southern France from June 13 – 17, 2016 and covers theoretical and practical topics of central receiver systems in general and heliostat field design, operation and characterization in particular. For more information please check the http://sfera2.sollab.eu/networking/announcement-3-csp-industry-course
Abierta la inscripción de la Jornada: "Herramientas y experiencias de análisis de producción de sistemas termosolares avanzados"
23 Oct 2015
http://www.energia.imdea.org/eventos/2015/abierta-inscripcion-de-jornada-herramientas-experiencias-de-analisis-de-produccion-de |
CENER within the activities that are being performed in WP12 of STAGE STAE is organizing two webinars. The goal of this webinars is the capacity building of designers and programmers willing to contribute to the development of new concepts and ideas of CSP systems.
More information.
Don't Miss ESTELA Workshop 2015 on 23-24 Sept in Brussels!
UKERC International Energy Summer School 2015
5 - 10 July 2015 UKERC , Wyboston Lakes, MK44 3AL, United Kingdom
WINTER SCHOOL on the topic of “Thermal Storage”
March 5-6, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
SAVE the DATE- Rome December 10-11, 2014 |
4th Solar Integration Workshop- Berlin November 10-11, 2014 |
SOLARPACES 2014- Beijing September 16-19, 2014 |
SFERA 2 training courses for CSP professionals
The first SFERA 2 training course for CSP professionals has been launched aiming at facilitating the communication between European researchers and industry and enhancing the transfer of know-how and innovations.
Check Announcement
The SFERA partners CIEMAT, ENEA, CNRS and DLR will organize four one-week training courses for CSP professionals at their test centers covering the topics:
- direct steam generation (2014, PSA-CIEMAT, Spain)
- molten salts in parabolic trough (2015, ENEA, Italy)
- central receiver systems (2016, CNRS, France)
- parabolic trough component testing (2017, DLR at PSA, Spain)
To submit your application, fill in
the Application Form
Short course "Concentrating Solar Power (CSP)", March 26-28, 2014 |
Short course "Renewable Energy Policy, Modeling and analysis of Potential", March 24-25, 2014 |